KRM Forum
We're so glad you've joined KevinRoot Medical Forum. This is a community for all things biomechanics and orthotics.
Clinical pearls
The idea behind Clinical pearls is to help you become more successful integrating biomechanics with your patients.
Introduction + Announcements
Stefan Feldman, DPM. I retired in 2021 after 41 years of practice. One of the roles I have at KevinRoot, is to act as a “second opinion” for the clients. Having been one of Kevin’s long time clients, I've been in your shoes.
Practical Pearls
Pearls for young practitioners on how to talk to patients about the benefits of orthotics. For a busy mid-career practitioner who needs to get to the bottom line quickly. For a seasoned practitioner who just wants to schmooze about the good old days.
Introduction + Announcements
I am delighted that Kevin Rosenbloom and Jeff Root, of Kevin Root Labs, have invited me to provide a twice monthly column on billing and coding issues important to orthotic providers.
Compliance and reimbursement pearls
Monthly column on billing and coding issues important to orthotic providers. These columns will provide you with a brief but thorough rationale on orthotic/prosthetic policies and billing practices.