Lisfranc Injuries
Lisfranc Injuries
Lisfranc Injuries

Suggested Orthoses

Model: A4
Recommended For
Daily extended comfort

Modified UCBL
Model: T5
Recommended For
Low profile control

Lisfranc Injuries

The Lisfranc joint is the area in which the metatarsal bones or large shaft bones of the forefoot meet with the cuneiforms and cuboid or bones of the midfoot. The Lisfranc ligament is a band of tissue joining these bones together maintaining the integrity and arch of the foot. Sometimes clinical circles will reference the Lisfranc ligament and injury to only the ligament between 2nd metatarsal and 2nd cuneiform.

Lisfranc injuries are usually the result on one of three injuries:

  • Dislocations: misalignment of the joints
  • Fractures: a break in a bone, possibly multiple bones
  • Sprains: damage of a ligament due to excessive stretching of the ligament and imbalanced biomechanics


  • Swelling, Redness and Bruising
  • Pain throughout the midfoot
  • Inability to bear weight
  • Misalignment of the structures of the foot


To confirm a diagnosis, a clinician will observe the patient’s past medical history, perform a physical examination of the foot and is likely to order imaging studies to observe the severity of the injury.


Lisfranc injuries are serious injuries and if a person believes they have them they should see a clinician immediately and avoid using or place weight on the injured foot. Treatment involves immobilization, rest, NSAIDs, icing, physical therapy and orthotics to support healing and stabilization of the foot. Often times, certain Lisfranc injuries will result in surgery due to fractures and torn ligaments.
