Bones that move the ankle, foot and toes originating near the knee

This diagram displays a superior view of the muscles whose bodies travel distally down the leg and assist in ambulation. Each muscle is fanned outwards and grouped in a way to show what functions and movements they contribute. Some muscles have been slightly exaggerated to make more visible.

NOTE: Soleus, Gastrocnemius/Achilles, Popliteus, Plantaris muscles are portrayed with their range of movement for flexion.

Bones that move the ankle, foot and toes originating near the knee

Bones that move the ankle, foot and toes originating near the knee

This diagram displays a superior view of the muscles whose bodies travel distally down the leg and assist in ambulation. Each muscle is fanned outwards and grouped in a way to show what functions and movements they contribute. Some muscles have been slightly exaggerated to make more visible.

NOTE: Soleus, Gastrocnemius/Achilles, Popliteus, Plantaris muscles are portrayed with their range of movement for flexion.