Metatarsal Punch
- Accommodates and offloads metatarsal heads without additional forefoot bulk
Clinical Indication:
- Bony or soft-tissue metatarsal head prominence
- Plantar corn, callus or wart
- Hyperkeratosis
- Dropped metatarsal head
- Ulcer
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A metatarsal punch is a circular aperture made in a Myolite forefoot padding inferior to the target metatarsal head. The aperture is made all the way through the Myolite’s thickness.
Multiple metatarsal heads can be selected.
Orthotic Lab Codes:
MHP-1M: Met Punch 1st
MHP-2M: Met Punch 2nd
MHP-3M: Met Punch 3rd
MHP-4M: Met Punch 4th
MHP-5M: Met Punch 5th
- Accommodates and offloads metatarsal heads without additional forefoot bulk
Clinical Indication:
- Bony or soft-tissue metatarsal head prominence
- Plantar corn, callus or wart
- Hyperkeratosis
- Dropped metatarsal head
- Ulcer
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A metatarsal punch is a circular aperture made in a Myolite forefoot padding inferior to the target metatarsal head. The aperture is made all the way through the Myolite’s thickness.
Multiple metatarsal heads can be selected.
Orthotic Lab Codes:
MHP-1M: Met Punch 1st
MHP-2M: Met Punch 2nd
MHP-3M: Met Punch 3rd
MHP-4M: Met Punch 4th
MHP-5M: Met Punch 5th
- Accommodates and offloads metatarsal heads without additional forefoot bulk
Clinical Indication:
- Bony or soft-tissue metatarsal head prominence
- Plantar corn, callus or wart
- Hyperkeratosis
- Dropped metatarsal head
- Ulcer
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A metatarsal punch is a circular aperture made in a Myolite forefoot padding inferior to the target metatarsal head. The aperture is made all the way through the Myolite’s thickness.
Multiple metatarsal heads can be selected.
Orthotic Lab Codes:
MHP-1M: Met Punch 1st
MHP-2M: Met Punch 2nd
MHP-3M: Met Punch 3rd
MHP-4M: Met Punch 4th
MHP-5M: Met Punch 5th