Self Mobilization of Hallux Limitus Pre- or Post-Op | KevinRoot Medical

Self Mobilization of Hallux Limitus Pre- or Post-Op

  • The following is a simple but effective Mobilization of the big toe joint that I have used in practice for many years. When I measure restricted motion in the big toe joint, mainly times in early stages of Hallux Rigidus, or post operatively in 1st MPJ surgeries. These mobilization are for scar adhesions and joint subluxations. They should be done several times a day, and at 1 month followup typically give you 5 degrees gain in motion. If you have ruled out osseous reasons for this restriction, you should expect reliable gains monthly. So many patients hurt from these restrictions, so they get great satisfaction from freeing up their joint. I love to measure the joint first, show them 2 repetitions, and remeasure. I normally see 5 to 10 degrees improvement instantly. However, this initial improvement only lasts with 2-3 times daily for a month self mobilization. I hope this helps your practice. As the 1st MPJ gains motion, propulsion is more powerful with less compensations needed. 

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